

Taking the Prevention and Control of Major Epidemic as the Problem Area to Promote the Construction of Ecological Civilization to a New Level
摘要 生态文明建设是关系中华民族永续发展的根本大计和千年大计。突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情既暴露出我国生态文明建设中存在的突出短板和弱项,同时也反映出尚未学深悟透做实习近平生态文明思想,在实际工作中对习近平生态文明思想贯彻落实不到位,科学自然观尚未深入人心、绿色发展观还缺乏广泛实践、生态民生观还没能形成共识、严密法治观还不能有效推进、全民共治观还没有落到实处。必须针对此次新冠疫情中暴露出来的突出生态问题,全力推动生态文明建设补短板、堵漏洞、强弱项,更加坚定不移地用习近平生态文明思想武装头脑、推动实践、指导工作,努力推进“十四五”时期乃至今后更长时期生态文明建设迈上新台阶,奋力开创建设美丽中国新局面。 The construction of ecological civilization is a fundamental plan and a millennium plan related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. The outbreak of COVID-19 not only exposed the outstanding shortcomings and weaknesses in the construction of ecological civilization in China, but also reflected that we had not yet learned thoroughly and practiced the idea of Xi Jinping ecological civilization. In practice, we did not carry out Xi Jinping’s thought of ecological civilization. The scientific concept of nature has not yet been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the concept of green development has not been widely practiced, the concept of ecological people’s livelihood has not yet reached a consensus, the concept of strict rule of law has not been effectively promoted, and the concept of common governance by the whole people has not been implemented. We must focus on the outstanding ecological problems exposed in the COVID-19, try our best to promote the construction of ecological civilization by making up short boards, plugging loopholes and strengthening weaknesses. We must unswervingly arm our minds with Xi Jinping’s idea of ecological civilization and promote practice and guidance. Efforts should be made to promote the construction of ecological civilization to a new level during the 14th Five Year Plan period and even for a longer period in the future, and strive to create a new situation for building a beautiful China.
作者 罗琼
出处 《环境保护前沿》 2021年第2期320-328,共9页 Advances in Environmental Protection
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