以2018~2022年富源县环境空气自动监测站数据为基础,根据《环境空气质量评价技术规范(试行)》(HJ 663-2013)对富源县环境空气质量变化趋势进行分析,分析结果表明:五年间富源县环境空气质量总体优良,空气质量综合指数评价呈显著下降趋势,主要污染物是O3和PM2.5、PM10 (三项指标污染物分担率占比超过70%),五年的首要污染物均为O3。
Based on the data of Fuyuan County ambient air automatic monitoring station from 2018 to 2022, the changing trend of ambient air quality in Fuyuan County was analyzed according to the Technical Specification for Ambient Air Quality Evaluation (Trial) (HJ 663-2013), and the analysis results showed that the ambient air quality in Fuyuan County was generally excellent in five years, the comprehensive air quality index evaluation showed a significant downward trend, the main pollutants were O3, PM2.5, and PM10 (with a pollutant sharing rate of over 70% among the three indicators), and the top pollutant in five years was O3.
Advances in Environmental Protection