The modified empirical two-temperature model of surface burning on a foam metal matrix was proposed. The comparative experimental studies of radiation properties of both matrices without and with ceramic coating (alumina) were carried out. Measurement was conducted in different spectral ranges. The experimental results were compared with theoretical calculations. It was shown that the integral radiation efficiency of the matrix with ceramic coating was comparable with radiation efficiency of the matrix without any coating in the wide range of the firing rate and surpassed it on 30% - 40% at firing rate above 50 W/cm2.
The modified empirical two-temperature model of surface burning on a foam metal matrix was proposed. The comparative experimental studies of radiation properties of both matrices without and with ceramic coating (alumina) were carried out. Measurement was conducted in different spectral ranges. The experimental results were compared with theoretical calculations. It was shown that the integral radiation efficiency of the matrix with ceramic coating was comparable with radiation efficiency of the matrix without any coating in the wide range of the firing rate and surpassed it on 30% - 40% at firing rate above 50 W/cm2.