The compaction of granulated powder is a common forming process used in ceramic and pharmaceutical industries. Argillaceous particles are used as a model system to investigate granule failure during cold compaction. In this work both experimental and numerical investigations have been focused on the fracture in powder compacts. This includes studies of crack propagation and determination of operating conditions to avoid the green body fracture. In fact, axial compaction tests have been performed to determine material parameters for hardening. The numerical modelling is implemented using a finite element method based on the Van Mises criterion. Simulation examples are presented to dem- onstrate the ability of the model to compute the distribution of the relative stresses in porous media.
The compaction of granulated powder is a common forming process used in ceramic and pharmaceutical industries. Argillaceous particles are used as a model system to investigate granule failure during cold compaction. In this work both experimental and numerical investigations have been focused on the fracture in powder compacts. This includes studies of crack propagation and determination of operating conditions to avoid the green body fracture. In fact, axial compaction tests have been performed to determine material parameters for hardening. The numerical modelling is implemented using a finite element method based on the Van Mises criterion. Simulation examples are presented to dem- onstrate the ability of the model to compute the distribution of the relative stresses in porous media.