
Oil Transmission Pipelines Condition Monitoring Using Wavelet Analysis and Ultrasonic Techniques

Oil Transmission Pipelines Condition Monitoring Using Wavelet Analysis and Ultrasonic Techniques
摘要 In this paper, a reliable and sensitive diagnostic method for oil pipelines based on wavelet analysis and ultrasonic technique. This will be achieved by the use of 3-D finite element modeling software (Abaqus CAE 6.10) combined with a power full wavelet based signal processing technique will be used to collect the empirical ultrasonic data to validate the developed diagnostic method. The affect known seeded faults i.e., 1 mmhole at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% depth in pipe wall were investigated using FEM techniques. A developed acoustic transceiver (Air Ultrasonic Ceramic Transducer 235AC130) will be used to collect the empirical ultrasonic data to validate the developed diagnostic method. The amplitudes and frequency spectra of the ultrasonic signals were measured and the predicted results were found to be in good agreement with the measured data, and that to confirm that this method can provide important information on pipe defects. In this paper, a reliable and sensitive diagnostic method for oil pipelines based on wavelet analysis and ultrasonic technique. This will be achieved by the use of 3-D finite element modeling software (Abaqus CAE 6.10) combined with a power full wavelet based signal processing technique will be used to collect the empirical ultrasonic data to validate the developed diagnostic method. The affect known seeded faults i.e., 1 mmhole at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% depth in pipe wall were investigated using FEM techniques. A developed acoustic transceiver (Air Ultrasonic Ceramic Transducer 235AC130) will be used to collect the empirical ultrasonic data to validate the developed diagnostic method. The amplitudes and frequency spectra of the ultrasonic signals were measured and the predicted results were found to be in good agreement with the measured data, and that to confirm that this method can provide important information on pipe defects.
机构地区 School of Engineering
出处 《Engineering(科研)》 2013年第6期551-555,共5页 工程(英文)(1947-3931)
关键词 ULTRASONIC ABAQUS CONTINUOUS WAVELET TRANSFORM (CWT) Ultrasonic Abaqus Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT)
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