With the development of aircraft equipment, conventional navigation is the shift from performance based navigation (PBN). As is known, conventional navigation is based on ground-based navigation aids;however, PBN is based on aircraft avionics and performance. In this paper, a new method called Point Merge System (PMS) considered as one of PBN procedures will be introduced. PMS has many benefits related to fuel savings and emission reductions by implementing Continuous Descent Approaches (CDAs). A new PMS standard arrival route (STAR) model will be designed in radar simulation and it will be suggested.
With the development of aircraft equipment, conventional navigation is the shift from performance based navigation (PBN). As is known, conventional navigation is based on ground-based navigation aids;however, PBN is based on aircraft avionics and performance. In this paper, a new method called Point Merge System (PMS) considered as one of PBN procedures will be introduced. PMS has many benefits related to fuel savings and emission reductions by implementing Continuous Descent Approaches (CDAs). A new PMS standard arrival route (STAR) model will be designed in radar simulation and it will be suggested.