This paper presented a methodology for the analysis and design of steel connections under a double-span connection within the context of preventing progressive collapse. First, various connection models were described and their pros and cons were provided. Then, the load-displacement characteristics of a component-based spring model were described. Thirdly, an experi-mental study on the behaviors of shear tab connections under tension was presented. The main sources of the deformation capacity of the shear tab connections were identified. Finally, a design example of a shear tab connection was provided to illustrate the methodology.
This paper presented a methodology for the analysis and design of steel connections under a double-span connection within the context of preventing progressive collapse. First, various connection models were described and their pros and cons were provided. Then, the load-displacement characteristics of a component-based spring model were described. Thirdly, an experi-mental study on the behaviors of shear tab connections under tension was presented. The main sources of the deformation capacity of the shear tab connections were identified. Finally, a design example of a shear tab connection was provided to illustrate the methodology.