Infratentorial subdural empyemas are rare. It is an important neurological infection requiring immediate neurosurgical treatment. The nonsurgical treatment of subdural empyema has been reported sporadically. In this paper the authors report the nonsurgical treatment of a case of infratentorial subdural empyema. The patient with left recurrent otitis was hospitalized with symptoms of headache and fever of 3 weeks duration. Examination revealed that the patient had Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15, fever, mild cerebellar signs, no focal deficit, and abundant suppuration from the left ear. A contrast-enhanced CT scan showed an infratentorial supracerebellar hypodense fluid collection with the peripheral rim enhancement to the left of the midline that mimicked a subdural empyema. Routine hematological investigation revealed polymorphic leukocytosis and elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. After the left mastoidectomy and antibiotic treatment, the patient recovered with complete resolution of the subdural empyema on CT scan.
Infratentorial subdural empyemas are rare. It is an important neurological infection requiring immediate neurosurgical treatment. The nonsurgical treatment of subdural empyema has been reported sporadically. In this paper the authors report the nonsurgical treatment of a case of infratentorial subdural empyema. The patient with left recurrent otitis was hospitalized with symptoms of headache and fever of 3 weeks duration. Examination revealed that the patient had Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15, fever, mild cerebellar signs, no focal deficit, and abundant suppuration from the left ear. A contrast-enhanced CT scan showed an infratentorial supracerebellar hypodense fluid collection with the peripheral rim enhancement to the left of the midline that mimicked a subdural empyema. Routine hematological investigation revealed polymorphic leukocytosis and elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate. After the left mastoidectomy and antibiotic treatment, the patient recovered with complete resolution of the subdural empyema on CT scan.