This article reports a case of dysarthria which was successfully treated by Strannik Light Therapy (SLT). It briefly discusses the known etiology for the condition and illustrates that dysarthria must be a problem of autonomic dysfunction in which pathological changes can influence the structure and/or subsequent function of the dynamic interplay between the brain and the organs involving the autonomic nervous system and physiological systems. The author reports a particular case in which a patient undertaking SLT fully recovered the ability to speak within 6 days.
This article reports a case of dysarthria which was successfully treated by Strannik Light Therapy (SLT). It briefly discusses the known etiology for the condition and illustrates that dysarthria must be a problem of autonomic dysfunction in which pathological changes can influence the structure and/or subsequent function of the dynamic interplay between the brain and the organs involving the autonomic nervous system and physiological systems. The author reports a particular case in which a patient undertaking SLT fully recovered the ability to speak within 6 days.