This short review article gives a brief description of the TCM Research Center Graz, especially the part of high-tech acupuncture research. A new technology for non-invasive acupuncture stimulation using violet laser (405 nm, 110 mW, 500 μm) is described. With this kind of laser it is possible to induce a so-called Deqi sensation which is very important in Chinese acupuncture. The second part of the review paper describes the new teleacupuncture which has been performed for the first time between the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and the TCM Research Center Graz at the Medical University of Graz.
This short review article gives a brief description of the TCM Research Center Graz, especially the part of high-tech acupuncture research. A new technology for non-invasive acupuncture stimulation using violet laser (405 nm, 110 mW, 500 μm) is described. With this kind of laser it is possible to induce a so-called Deqi sensation which is very important in Chinese acupuncture. The second part of the review paper describes the new teleacupuncture which has been performed for the first time between the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences and the TCM Research Center Graz at the Medical University of Graz.