
A Case History of Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis by Chromotherapy 被引量:1

A Case History of Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis by Chromotherapy
摘要 Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is endemic in many parts of the world. The disease in most of the cases appears in the form of the open ulcerated lesion on exposed part of the body. The pentavalent antimonial injections (20 mg/kg for 20 days) underneath the lesion for treatment are painful and most of the times unaffordable by the patients, mostly effected by this disease. As a result, most patients give-up early resulting in resistance. Due to high prevalence and the disease taking an epidemic form, there is a need to develop a new simple, cheap and yet an effective alternative treatment for cutaneous Leishmaniasis. Reported here is a case study aimed at alternative treatment regimen for cutaneous leishmaniasis. Here we present a case history of cutaneous leishmaniasis treated with chromotherapy. This seems to be an effective and new method of treatment only using visible range radiations of different wavelengths with no apparent side-effects. Six months follow up was observed and no recurrence was found. Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is endemic in many parts of the world. The disease in most of the cases appears in the form of the open ulcerated lesion on exposed part of the body. The pentavalent antimonial injections (20 mg/kg for 20 days) underneath the lesion for treatment are painful and most of the times unaffordable by the patients, mostly effected by this disease. As a result, most patients give-up early resulting in resistance. Due to high prevalence and the disease taking an epidemic form, there is a need to develop a new simple, cheap and yet an effective alternative treatment for cutaneous Leishmaniasis. Reported here is a case study aimed at alternative treatment regimen for cutaneous leishmaniasis. Here we present a case history of cutaneous leishmaniasis treated with chromotherapy. This seems to be an effective and new method of treatment only using visible range radiations of different wavelengths with no apparent side-effects. Six months follow up was observed and no recurrence was found.
机构地区 不详
出处 《Chinese Medicine》 2011年第2期43-46,共4页 中医(英文)
关键词 CUTANEOUS Leshmaniasis Chromotherapy PHOTOSTIMULATION Cutaneous Leshmaniasis Chromotherapy Photostimulation
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