Advanced and specialized radiological diagnostic procedures are essential in cases of clinically diagnosed injuries to the head, thorax, abdomen or extremities of a child, especially if there is no case history or if the reporting of an inadequate trauma suggests battered child syndrome. In particular, these diagnostic procedures should aim at detecting lesions of the central nervous system (CNS), so that the treatment can be immediately initiated. If the diagnostic imaging reveals findings typically associated with child abuse, accurate documentation constituting evidence, which will stand up in court, is required to prevent any further endangerment of the child’s welfare.
Advanced and specialized radiological diagnostic procedures are essential in cases of clinically diagnosed injuries to the head, thorax, abdomen or extremities of a child, especially if there is no case history or if the reporting of an inadequate trauma suggests battered child syndrome. In particular, these diagnostic procedures should aim at detecting lesions of the central nervous system (CNS), so that the treatment can be immediately initiated. If the diagnostic imaging reveals findings typically associated with child abuse, accurate documentation constituting evidence, which will stand up in court, is required to prevent any further endangerment of the child’s welfare.