Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis has been used to make a multi-elemental determi-nation in the Zingiber officinalis and Salvia offi-cinalis, plants used in traditional medicine therapy in Algeria and in most countries. The concentrations of five elements Co, Cr, Sc, Sb and Rb have been determined by long irradiation time with 2.7E13 n?cm–2?s–1 thermal flux using a NUR Algerian Reactor. All these elements are present at trace levels. Their implications in Human health are herein discussed. The quality control of the measurements have been evaluated by analysing a HAY (V-10) IAEA-Standard reference material.
Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis has been used to make a multi-elemental determi-nation in the Zingiber officinalis and Salvia offi-cinalis, plants used in traditional medicine therapy in Algeria and in most countries. The concentrations of five elements Co, Cr, Sc, Sb and Rb have been determined by long irradiation time with 2.7E13 n?cm–2?s–1 thermal flux using a NUR Algerian Reactor. All these elements are present at trace levels. Their implications in Human health are herein discussed. The quality control of the measurements have been evaluated by analysing a HAY (V-10) IAEA-Standard reference material.