Toe Tourniquet Syndrome (TTS) is a rare yet potentially devastating, acquired defect, which is repeatedly misdiagnosed in the United Kingdom and abroad. Due to the relatively infrequent presentation, it can be easily missed. Toe tourniquet syndrome is strangulation of the toes by what is usually hair, although synthetic fibres have also been described. It is considered a surgical emergency as left untreated, the tissues of the toe can become necrotic and the patient would lose that appendage. In this paper, we have done a literature review and written the article with illustrations which would explain this repeatedly misdiagnosed condition very thoroughly to all the clinicians dealing with this rare problem.
Toe Tourniquet Syndrome (TTS) is a rare yet potentially devastating, acquired defect, which is repeatedly misdiagnosed in the United Kingdom and abroad. Due to the relatively infrequent presentation, it can be easily missed. Toe tourniquet syndrome is strangulation of the toes by what is usually hair, although synthetic fibres have also been described. It is considered a surgical emergency as left untreated, the tissues of the toe can become necrotic and the patient would lose that appendage. In this paper, we have done a literature review and written the article with illustrations which would explain this repeatedly misdiagnosed condition very thoroughly to all the clinicians dealing with this rare problem.