Introduction: Charge syndrome is a very rare condition with an estimated prevalence of one in ten thousand. The care and treatment of these patients involve an interdisciplinary team. This case reports difficult airway management of a pediatric patient with CHARGE syndrome with an MRI safe glidescope. Case Presentation: A 13-year-old female with a past medical history significant for CHARGE syndrome, lumbar scoliosis, developmental delay, vitiligo, Wenckebach type AV block, intrinsic asthma and pulmonary hemosiderosis was scheduled to undergo an MRI of the spine as preoperative imaging for scoliosis corrective surgery under sedation. The patient desaturated during sedation for IV placement. After a failed attempt at sedation, the patient was then intubated safely with an MRI compatible glidescope. Conclusion: As cases increase in remote locations, it is necessary to have access to alternative devices for intubation of a difficult airway, particularly in MRI facilities where equipment must be compatible with MRI technology.
Introduction: Charge syndrome is a very rare condition with an estimated prevalence of one in ten thousand. The care and treatment of these patients involve an interdisciplinary team. This case reports difficult airway management of a pediatric patient with CHARGE syndrome with an MRI safe glidescope. Case Presentation: A 13-year-old female with a past medical history significant for CHARGE syndrome, lumbar scoliosis, developmental delay, vitiligo, Wenckebach type AV block, intrinsic asthma and pulmonary hemosiderosis was scheduled to undergo an MRI of the spine as preoperative imaging for scoliosis corrective surgery under sedation. The patient desaturated during sedation for IV placement. After a failed attempt at sedation, the patient was then intubated safely with an MRI compatible glidescope. Conclusion: As cases increase in remote locations, it is necessary to have access to alternative devices for intubation of a difficult airway, particularly in MRI facilities where equipment must be compatible with MRI technology.