
Association of Serum Ferritin Levels and Thyroid Hormones

Association of Serum Ferritin Levels and Thyroid Hormones
摘要 Thyroid metabolism is orchestrated by the action of various minerals and trace elements including iron, iodine, selenium, and zinc. Iron deficiency, specifically deficiency in serum ferritin levels, is one of the common causes of thyroid dysfunction. Our objective was to evaluate the relationship between serum ferritin levels and circulating thyroid hormones. For this, a retrospective analysis was performed on 16,512 individuals who tested for serum levels of ferritin and thyroid profile at Vibrant America Clinical Laboratories. Subjects were stratified based on the serum levels of ferritin. Age (p −0.03232, p < 0.0001). Analysis of Linear association by Pearson’s correlation exhibited a considerable correlation between varying serum ferritin levels with all tested thyroid hormones. The study concludes that serum ferritin levels were associated with thyroid hormone synthesis and metabolism in individuals with optimal levels of circulating ferritin. Thyroid metabolism is orchestrated by the action of various minerals and trace elements including iron, iodine, selenium, and zinc. Iron deficiency, specifically deficiency in serum ferritin levels, is one of the common causes of thyroid dysfunction. Our objective was to evaluate the relationship between serum ferritin levels and circulating thyroid hormones. For this, a retrospective analysis was performed on 16,512 individuals who tested for serum levels of ferritin and thyroid profile at Vibrant America Clinical Laboratories. Subjects were stratified based on the serum levels of ferritin. Age (p −0.03232, p < 0.0001). Analysis of Linear association by Pearson’s correlation exhibited a considerable correlation between varying serum ferritin levels with all tested thyroid hormones. The study concludes that serum ferritin levels were associated with thyroid hormone synthesis and metabolism in individuals with optimal levels of circulating ferritin.
作者 Hari Krishnan Krishnamurthy Swarnkumar Reddy Vasanth Jayaraman Karthik Krishna Qi Song Karenah E. Rajasekaran Tianhao Wang Kang Bei John J. Rajasekaran Hari Krishnan Krishnamurthy;Swarnkumar Reddy;Vasanth Jayaraman;Karthik Krishna;Qi Song;Karenah E. Rajasekaran;Tianhao Wang;Kang Bei;John J. Rajasekaran(Vibrant Sciences LLC., San Carlos, USA;Vibrant America LLC., San Carlos, USA)
出处 《Open Journal of Clinical Diagnostics》 2023年第3期68-79,共12页 临床诊断学期刊(英文)
关键词 FERRITIN THYROXINE Free Triiodothyronine Free Thyroxine Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Ferritin Thyroxine Free Triiodothyronine Free Thyroxine Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
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