
A 3D Matching Method for Organic Training Samples Alignment Based on Surface Curvature Distribution

A 3D Matching Method for Organic Training Samples Alignment Based on Surface Curvature Distribution
摘要 The fundamental step to get a Statistical Shape Model (SSM) is to align all the training samples to the same spatial modality. In this paper, we propose a new 3D alignment method for organic training samples matching, whose modalities are orientable and surface figures could be recognized. It is a feature based alignment method which matches two models depending on the distribution of surface curvature. According to the affine transformation on 2D Gaussian map, the distances between the corresponding parts on surface could be minimized. We applied our proposed method on 5 cases left lung training samples alignment and 4 cases liver training samples alignment. The experiment results were performed on the left lung training samples and the liver training samples. The availability of proposed method was confirmed. The fundamental step to get a Statistical Shape Model (SSM) is to align all the training samples to the same spatial modality. In this paper, we propose a new 3D alignment method for organic training samples matching, whose modalities are orientable and surface figures could be recognized. It is a feature based alignment method which matches two models depending on the distribution of surface curvature. According to the affine transformation on 2D Gaussian map, the distances between the corresponding parts on surface could be minimized. We applied our proposed method on 5 cases left lung training samples alignment and 4 cases liver training samples alignment. The experiment results were performed on the left lung training samples and the liver training samples. The availability of proposed method was confirmed.
机构地区 不详
出处 《Open Journal of Medical Imaging》 2011年第2期43-47,共5页 医学影像期刊(英文)
关键词 Training SAMPLES ALIGNMENT STATISTICAL Shape Model GAUSS Map K-MEANS Training Samples Alignment Statistical Shape Model Gauss Map K-Means
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