
A Rare Case of Diaphragmatic Extralobar Pulmonary Sequestration

摘要 Context: Bronchopulmonary sequestration is defined as a congenital malformation in which a portion of lung tissue does not communicate with the normal bronchial tree and the pulmonary arteries. Case Report: We present a case of a 35-year-old male complaining of left lower back pain and with a mass in the left thoracoabdominal transition. Imaging studies have suggested a pulmonary sequestration and its diagnosis was confirmed by histopathological study. Conclusion: Diaphragmatic extralobar pulmonary sequestration is a rare anomaly whose radiological diagnosis is difficult. This case is illustrative and demonstrates the importance of imaging methods to the correct diagnosis and effective treatment. Context: Bronchopulmonary sequestration is defined as a congenital malformation in which a portion of lung tissue does not communicate with the normal bronchial tree and the pulmonary arteries. Case Report: We present a case of a 35-year-old male complaining of left lower back pain and with a mass in the left thoracoabdominal transition. Imaging studies have suggested a pulmonary sequestration and its diagnosis was confirmed by histopathological study. Conclusion: Diaphragmatic extralobar pulmonary sequestration is a rare anomaly whose radiological diagnosis is difficult. This case is illustrative and demonstrates the importance of imaging methods to the correct diagnosis and effective treatment.
出处 《Open Journal of Medical Imaging》 2017年第4期156-162,共7页 医学影像期刊(英文)
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