Last decade, the geography of immigration in Portugal experienced intense transformations with an increasing inflow of new and diversified migratory groups. An open questionnaire was developed and applied to 22 Portuguese nurses, aiming to analyse personal experiences and significant situations of nursing care in multicultural contexts. The understanding of hospital routines, difficulties in managing physical space due to different cultural standards, body exposure, and body handling in nursing clinical care, emerged as more significant issues in reports of critical incidents focusing on multicultural contexts.
Last decade, the geography of immigration in Portugal experienced intense transformations with an increasing inflow of new and diversified migratory groups. An open questionnaire was developed and applied to 22 Portuguese nurses, aiming to analyse personal experiences and significant situations of nursing care in multicultural contexts. The understanding of hospital routines, difficulties in managing physical space due to different cultural standards, body exposure, and body handling in nursing clinical care, emerged as more significant issues in reports of critical incidents focusing on multicultural contexts.