
Placental Abruption in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Service of Regional Hospital Center of Ouahigouya: Epidemiological, Clinical Ant and Therapeutic Aspects about 89 Cases Collected from 1<sup>st</sup>January 2013 to 31<sup>st</sup>December 2015 被引量:1

Placental Abruption in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Service of Regional Hospital Center of Ouahigouya: Epidemiological, Clinical Ant and Therapeutic Aspects about 89 Cases Collected from 1<sup>st</sup>January 2013 to 31<sup>st</sup>December 2015
摘要 Objective: To study epidemiological, clinical ant therapeutic aspects of placental abruption in the service of obstetrics and gynecology of regional hospital center of Ouahigouya. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study scheduled for 3 years, from 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2015. Data were collected from patients’ folder, theater register and maternity delivery register. Results: We recorded 5791 deliveries, out of which 89 were placental abruption cases giving a rate of 1.54% of deliveries. The women most affected were whose with age ranging 25 - 30 years (30.33%), the nulliparous women (32.58%), the married women (83.52%) and whose with bad antenatal clinic attendance (54.6%). The clinical aspect was most often complete: nil fetal heart rate (82.00%), hypertony uterine (79.90%) and vaginal bleeding (74.20%) were the most signs found. Spontaneous vaginal delivery has been made in 64.04%. Maternal prognosis was dominated by a morbidity linked by an anemia in 53.90%. Maternal lethality was 2.20%. Fetal newborn-death was 88.80%. Conclusion: Placental abruption represents an obstetrical and medical emergency by its start of brutal installation, its unforeseeable character and its materno-fetal consequences. Only a tacking of risk populations, precocious of diagnosis and a speed management in surgical and medical unit allow improving the prognosis of this disease. Objective: To study epidemiological, clinical ant therapeutic aspects of placental abruption in the service of obstetrics and gynecology of regional hospital center of Ouahigouya. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study scheduled for 3 years, from 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2015. Data were collected from patients’ folder, theater register and maternity delivery register. Results: We recorded 5791 deliveries, out of which 89 were placental abruption cases giving a rate of 1.54% of deliveries. The women most affected were whose with age ranging 25 - 30 years (30.33%), the nulliparous women (32.58%), the married women (83.52%) and whose with bad antenatal clinic attendance (54.6%). The clinical aspect was most often complete: nil fetal heart rate (82.00%), hypertony uterine (79.90%) and vaginal bleeding (74.20%) were the most signs found. Spontaneous vaginal delivery has been made in 64.04%. Maternal prognosis was dominated by a morbidity linked by an anemia in 53.90%. Maternal lethality was 2.20%. Fetal newborn-death was 88.80%. Conclusion: Placental abruption represents an obstetrical and medical emergency by its start of brutal installation, its unforeseeable character and its materno-fetal consequences. Only a tacking of risk populations, precocious of diagnosis and a speed management in surgical and medical unit allow improving the prognosis of this disease.
出处 《Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology》 2017年第1期86-94,共9页 妇产科期刊(英文)
关键词 PLACENTAL ABRUPTION Rate Risk Factors Prognosis Maternal NEONATAL Placental Abruption Rate Risk Factors Prognosis Maternal Neonatal
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