Objectives: The objectives of this work were to calculate the frequency of MFIU, to describe the epidemiological profile, to identify the étiologies and to establish the maternal prognosis. Methodology: It was about a prospective survey of analytic type spreading on one period of twelve (12) month achieved to the service of Obstetric Gynecology of the hospital National Donka, FALLEN from Conakry. Results: On 5226 childbirths, we recorded 208 cases of MFIU, either a frequency of 3.98%. The epidemiological profile was the one of a teenager or aged woman (more of 35 ans) with respectively (8.17%) and (7.20%), sans follow-up prénatal (10.41%), nullipare (6.02%), célibataire (7.80%), ménagère (5.02%) and non scolarisée (5.16%). The MFIU occurred in the age group of 32 - 36 SA. L’absence of the MAF was the main motive of consultation 94.23%. All cases of MFIU benefitted from a confirmation scan. The vasculo-renal syndromes and their complications were the main étiologie 43.75%;follow-up of the malaria is 13.94%. The majority of the gestantes were delivered by low way 98.08%. The induction of work has been made mainly to the misoprostol (Cytotec 200 μg) either 81.86% against 10.78% of Syntocinon in drip. The maternal morbidity has especially been dominated especially by the hemorrhages in the case of long length retention and the infections when the membranes are broken either 1.44% against 98.56% of case of good maternal prognosis. No maternal death has been recorded. Conclusion: The prenatal consultation offer recentered and the one of medical correct cares of the vasculo-renal syndromes and the malaria could reduce the cases of death fœtale efficiently in utero.
Objectives: The objectives of this work were to calculate the frequency of MFIU, to describe the epidemiological profile, to identify the étiologies and to establish the maternal prognosis. Methodology: It was about a prospective survey of analytic type spreading on one period of twelve (12) month achieved to the service of Obstetric Gynecology of the hospital National Donka, FALLEN from Conakry. Results: On 5226 childbirths, we recorded 208 cases of MFIU, either a frequency of 3.98%. The epidemiological profile was the one of a teenager or aged woman (more of 35 ans) with respectively (8.17%) and (7.20%), sans follow-up prénatal (10.41%), nullipare (6.02%), célibataire (7.80%), ménagère (5.02%) and non scolarisée (5.16%). The MFIU occurred in the age group of 32 - 36 SA. L’absence of the MAF was the main motive of consultation 94.23%. All cases of MFIU benefitted from a confirmation scan. The vasculo-renal syndromes and their complications were the main étiologie 43.75%;follow-up of the malaria is 13.94%. The majority of the gestantes were delivered by low way 98.08%. The induction of work has been made mainly to the misoprostol (Cytotec 200 μg) either 81.86% against 10.78% of Syntocinon in drip. The maternal morbidity has especially been dominated especially by the hemorrhages in the case of long length retention and the infections when the membranes are broken either 1.44% against 98.56% of case of good maternal prognosis. No maternal death has been recorded. Conclusion: The prenatal consultation offer recentered and the one of medical correct cares of the vasculo-renal syndromes and the malaria could reduce the cases of death fœtale efficiently in utero.