
Endometriosis of the Sigmoid Colon Mimicking Malignant Lesion

Endometriosis of the Sigmoid Colon Mimicking Malignant Lesion
摘要 Endometriosis is defined as the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. It is a benign pathology involving 15% of women of reproductive age. The sigmoid site represents 7% of endometriosis but it is the most frequent area in the digestive tract. We report two cases of colonic endometriosis in which the initial diagnosis suspected a malignant disease. Respectively, the patients were 31 and 48 years old. The first patient complained about abdominal pain with symptoms of intestinal obstruction and was classified after radiological examination as an intrasigmoid tumor with bladder adhesion. The second patient was undergone for a radiological examination because of a bowel obstruction syndrom and a mass in the sigmoid colon was suspected. In both cases, sigmoid colon resection was performed and histological diagnosis was sigmoid endometriosis. Sigmoid endometriosis is rarely diagnosed before surgical excision. Suspicious bowel obstruction and malignant origin lead to large surgical excision. Histological examination is important to establish the diagnosis. Endometriosis is defined as the presence of endometrial tissue outside the uterus. It is a benign pathology involving 15% of women of reproductive age. The sigmoid site represents 7% of endometriosis but it is the most frequent area in the digestive tract. We report two cases of colonic endometriosis in which the initial diagnosis suspected a malignant disease. Respectively, the patients were 31 and 48 years old. The first patient complained about abdominal pain with symptoms of intestinal obstruction and was classified after radiological examination as an intrasigmoid tumor with bladder adhesion. The second patient was undergone for a radiological examination because of a bowel obstruction syndrom and a mass in the sigmoid colon was suspected. In both cases, sigmoid colon resection was performed and histological diagnosis was sigmoid endometriosis. Sigmoid endometriosis is rarely diagnosed before surgical excision. Suspicious bowel obstruction and malignant origin lead to large surgical excision. Histological examination is important to establish the diagnosis.
作者 Lalaina Nomenjanahary Zo Irène Raivoherivony Holy Tiana Andrianjafitrimo Nantenaina Soa Randrianjafisamindrakotroka Lalaina Nomenjanahary;Zo Irène Raivoherivony;Holy Tiana Andrianjafitrimo;Nantenaina Soa Randrianjafisamindrakotroka(Department of Pathology, Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona University Hospital, Antananarivo, Madagascar)
出处 《Open Journal of Pathology》 2021年第4期110-114,共5页 病理学期刊(英文)
关键词 Endometrial Mucosa ENDOMETRIOSIS Sigmoid Endometriosis Endometrial Mucosa Endometriosis Sigmoid Endometriosis
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