Staphylococcal pleuropulmonary disease (SPP) is the localization of pathogenic staphylococcal disease in the lung and pleura and its general haematogenic consequences. This location is not primary, but follows a primary skin or mucous infection that may go unnoticed. This is a very rare phenomenon in neonatology and in the various literature reviews. Through our observation we report the clinical diagnosis of a newborn 13-day age with pleuro-pulmonary staphyloccocia point of departure cutaneous, thus the paraclinical explorations performed in our patient therapeutic management and evolutionary profile after a 3-month decline. Note that the problem of resistance of staphylococci to different antibiotics is currently a real public health problem making the choice of treatment very difficult for the clinician.
Staphylococcal pleuropulmonary disease (SPP) is the localization of pathogenic staphylococcal disease in the lung and pleura and its general haematogenic consequences. This location is not primary, but follows a primary skin or mucous infection that may go unnoticed. This is a very rare phenomenon in neonatology and in the various literature reviews. Through our observation we report the clinical diagnosis of a newborn 13-day age with pleuro-pulmonary staphyloccocia point of departure cutaneous, thus the paraclinical explorations performed in our patient therapeutic management and evolutionary profile after a 3-month decline. Note that the problem of resistance of staphylococci to different antibiotics is currently a real public health problem making the choice of treatment very difficult for the clinician.
Fatima-Ezzahra Tahiri
Oualid Assem
Fatiha Bennaoui
Nadia El Idrissi Slitine
Nabila Soraa
Fadl Marabih Rabou Maoulainine
Fatima-Ezzahra Tahiri;Oualid Assem;Fatiha Bennaoui;Nadia El Idrissi Slitine;Nabila Soraa;Fadl Marabih Rabou Maoulainine(Department of Neonatal Resuscitation, University Hospital Center Mohamed VI, Marrakech, Morocco;Health, Childhood and Development Research Team, Faculty of Medicine, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, Morocco;Microbiology Department, University Hospital Center Mohamed VI, Marrakech, Morocco)