
Transanal Evisceration of Small Bowel about One Case at the University Hospital Yalgado Ouédraogo of Ouagadougou

Transanal Evisceration of Small Bowel about One Case at the University Hospital Yalgado Ouédraogo of Ouagadougou
摘要 Introduction: Transanal evisceration of small bowel is an extremely rare condition that can occur spontaneously or after trauma. Objective: To report a case of Transanal evisceration of small bowel to describe the circumstances of occurrence and our therapeutic attitude. Observation: An 80-year-old female patient was received at the visceral Emergency of University Hospital Yalgado Ouédraogo for the outcome of the small intestine by the anus with the waning of a defecation effort. The physical examination of the patient accustomed to evacuation purgation noted, eviscerated the small bowel through the anus, edematous but viable. The preoperative laboratory tests were normal. In emergency, under general anesthesia, a laparotomy was possible to objectify the incarceration of intestinal loops through linear perforation of 5 cenimeter from the anterior surface of the rectosigmoid hinge. We conducted an ileo-ileal resection anastomosis, a suture rectosigmoid breach and anal extraction of small bowel incarcerated measuring 200 centimeter. The evolution was simple. Conclusion: The weakening of the rectal mucosa by repeated purges has certainly been the contributory factor. The surgical treatment must be precocious to avoid extensive intestinal resection. Introduction: Transanal evisceration of small bowel is an extremely rare condition that can occur spontaneously or after trauma. Objective: To report a case of Transanal evisceration of small bowel to describe the circumstances of occurrence and our therapeutic attitude. Observation: An 80-year-old female patient was received at the visceral Emergency of University Hospital Yalgado Ouédraogo for the outcome of the small intestine by the anus with the waning of a defecation effort. The physical examination of the patient accustomed to evacuation purgation noted, eviscerated the small bowel through the anus, edematous but viable. The preoperative laboratory tests were normal. In emergency, under general anesthesia, a laparotomy was possible to objectify the incarceration of intestinal loops through linear perforation of 5 cenimeter from the anterior surface of the rectosigmoid hinge. We conducted an ileo-ileal resection anastomosis, a suture rectosigmoid breach and anal extraction of small bowel incarcerated measuring 200 centimeter. The evolution was simple. Conclusion: The weakening of the rectal mucosa by repeated purges has certainly been the contributory factor. The surgical treatment must be precocious to avoid extensive intestinal resection.
作者 Adama Sanou Moussa Bazongo Edgar Ouangré Maurice Zida Gilbert Patindé Bonkoungou Rodrique Namékinsba Doamba Sylvain Wendmi Karfo Elie Yamba Sawadogo Nayi Zongo Si Simon Traoré Adama Sanou;Moussa Bazongo;Edgar Ouangré;Maurice Zida;Gilbert Patindé Bonkoungou;Rodrique Namékinsba Doamba;Sylvain Wendmi Karfo;Elie Yamba Sawadogo;Nayi Zongo;Si Simon Traoré(Division of General and Digestive Surgery, University Hospital Blaise Compaoré, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso;Division of General and Digestive Surgery, University Hospital Yalgado Ouédraogo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)
出处 《Surgical Science》 2016年第7期291-294,共4页 外科学(英文)
关键词 EVISCERATION TRANSANAL Small Bowel RECTUM SIGMOID Evisceration Transanal Small Bowel Rectum Sigmoid
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