Fortuitous Discovery of a Case of Situs Inversus Totalis on Acute Intestinal Occlusion at the Fousseyni Daou Hospital in Kayes
Fortuitous Discovery of a Case of Situs Inversus Totalis on Acute Intestinal Occlusion at the Fousseyni Daou Hospital in Kayes
Situs inversus is a rare congenital anomaly referring to the mirror image of the abdominal and thoracic viscera. It can be discovered routinely or on the occasion of a complication related or not to situs inversus. We report a case of Situs inversus discovered incidentally during surgery for acute intestinal obstruction caused by an iatrogenic uterine perforation.
Situs inversus is a rare congenital anomaly referring to the mirror image of the abdominal and thoracic viscera. It can be discovered routinely or on the occasion of a complication related or not to situs inversus. We report a case of Situs inversus discovered incidentally during surgery for acute intestinal obstruction caused by an iatrogenic uterine perforation.
Sangare Sidy
Traore Lamine Issaga
Kouyate Mamaye
Sogoba Gaoussou
Katile Drissa
Guindo Youssouf
Traore Djibril
Traore Allassane
Dembélé Bakary Tientigui
Togo Adégné
Traore Drissa
Sangare Sidy;Traore Lamine Issaga;Kouyate Mamaye;Sogoba Gaoussou;Katile Drissa;Guindo Youssouf;Traore Djibril;Traore Allassane;Dembélé Bakary Tientigui;Togo Adégné;Traore Drissa(General Surgery Department of the Fousseyni DAOU Hospital, Kayes, Mali;Pediatric Surgery Department at Fousseyni DAOU Hospital, Kayes, Mali;Gastroenterology Department of the Fousseyni DAOU Hospital, Kayes, Mali;Cardiology Department of the Fousseyni DAOU Hospital, Kayes, Mali;General Surgery Department of the Somine DOLO Hospital, Mopti, Mali;General Surgery Department of Gabriel TOURé Hospital, Bamako, Mali;General Surgery Department of Point G Hospital, Bamako, Mali)
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