Introduction: Recent studies showed relation between mortality and bleeding in acute coronary syndromes. Objective: The objective is to analyze the prognosis of patients with acute coronary syndromes with or without in-hospital major and/or minor bleedings. Methods: This was a pro-spective data bank analysis study with 546 patients (39 with bleeding (group I) and 507 without bleeding (group II)) with acute coronary syndromes included between May 2010 and May 2013. Besides, Mehran bleeding risk score was calculated to all patients. The primary endpoint was all causes of in-hospital death and combined events. Comparison between groups was made by Anova and Q-square. Multivariate analysis was determined by logistic regression and was considered significant when p p = 0.005) and combined events (35.9% vs 11.4%, p < 0.001). The same results were observed in multivariate and long-term analysis. Con-clusions: Almost half of patients with acute coronary syndromes had higher risk of bleeding, and that with major or minor bleedings had greater deaths and combined events.
Introduction: Recent studies showed relation between mortality and bleeding in acute coronary syndromes. Objective: The objective is to analyze the prognosis of patients with acute coronary syndromes with or without in-hospital major and/or minor bleedings. Methods: This was a pro-spective data bank analysis study with 546 patients (39 with bleeding (group I) and 507 without bleeding (group II)) with acute coronary syndromes included between May 2010 and May 2013. Besides, Mehran bleeding risk score was calculated to all patients. The primary endpoint was all causes of in-hospital death and combined events. Comparison between groups was made by Anova and Q-square. Multivariate analysis was determined by logistic regression and was considered significant when p p = 0.005) and combined events (35.9% vs 11.4%, p < 0.001). The same results were observed in multivariate and long-term analysis. Con-clusions: Almost half of patients with acute coronary syndromes had higher risk of bleeding, and that with major or minor bleedings had greater deaths and combined events.