This research examines the effects of task administration on Trail Making Test performance. The TMT consists of two parts, TMT Part A and TMT Part B. Generally, it has been believed that the order the two parts are completed does not influence test results;however, there is one previous study that has suggested that the order is indeed an influential factor on test scores. To measure frontal lobe function, the present study used near-infrared spectroscopy to measure changes in oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) in 48 young, healthy Japanese subjects as they completed Parts A and B. We subtracted the change in oxy-Hb while completing Part A from that while completing Part B (B-A Oxy-Hb) for a comparison to facilitate an investigation of how, or if, the order in which the TMT is taken influences test success. We found that when Part A was completed first, there were only small changes in the B-A oxy-Hb, but when Part B was completed first, there were larger changes. This study indicates that the order the tests are completed in may influence outcomes, thus assessments using the TMT must follow a consistent task order.
This research examines the effects of task administration on Trail Making Test performance. The TMT consists of two parts, TMT Part A and TMT Part B. Generally, it has been believed that the order the two parts are completed does not influence test results;however, there is one previous study that has suggested that the order is indeed an influential factor on test scores. To measure frontal lobe function, the present study used near-infrared spectroscopy to measure changes in oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) in 48 young, healthy Japanese subjects as they completed Parts A and B. We subtracted the change in oxy-Hb while completing Part A from that while completing Part B (B-A Oxy-Hb) for a comparison to facilitate an investigation of how, or if, the order in which the TMT is taken influences test success. We found that when Part A was completed first, there were only small changes in the B-A oxy-Hb, but when Part B was completed first, there were larger changes. This study indicates that the order the tests are completed in may influence outcomes, thus assessments using the TMT must follow a consistent task order.