This paper presents a new type of circulant matrices. We call it the first and the last difference r-circulant matrix (FLDcircr matrix). We can verify that the linear operation, the matrix product and the inverse matrix of this type of matrices are still FLDcircr matrices. By constructing the basic FLDcircr matrix, we give the discriminance for FLDcircr matrices and the fast algorithm of the inverse and generalized inverse of the FLDcircr matrices.
This paper presents a new type of circulant matrices. We call it the first and the last difference r-circulant matrix (FLDcircr matrix). We can verify that the linear operation, the matrix product and the inverse matrix of this type of matrices are still FLDcircr matrices. By constructing the basic FLDcircr matrix, we give the discriminance for FLDcircr matrices and the fast algorithm of the inverse and generalized inverse of the FLDcircr matrices.