The deterministic extended Korteweg-de Vries equation plays an essential role in the description of the creation and propagation of nonlinear waves in many fields. We study a stochastic extended Korteweg-de Vries equation driven by a multiplicative noise in the form of a cylindrical Wiener process. We prove the existence of a martingale solution to the equation studied for all physically relevant initial conditions. The proof of the solution is based on two approximations of the problem considered and the compactness method.
The deterministic extended Korteweg-de Vries equation plays an essential role in the description of the creation and propagation of nonlinear waves in many fields. We study a stochastic extended Korteweg-de Vries equation driven by a multiplicative noise in the form of a cylindrical Wiener process. We prove the existence of a martingale solution to the equation studied for all physically relevant initial conditions. The proof of the solution is based on two approximations of the problem considered and the compactness method.