Formulated in 1859 by the mathematician Bernhard Riemann, the Riemann hypothesis is a conjecture. She says that the Riemann’s Zeta function non-trivial zeros of all have real part . This demonstration would improve the prime numbers distribution knowledge. This conjecture constitutes one of the most important mathematics unsolved problems of the 21st century: it is one of the famous Hilbert problems proposed in 1900. In this article, a method for solving this conjecture is given. This work has been started by finding an analytical function which gives a best accurate 10<sup>-8</sup> of particular zeros sample that this number has increased gradually and finally prooving that this function is always irrational. This demonstration is important as allows Riemann’s zeta function to be a model function in the Dirichlet series theory and be at the crossroads of many other theories. Also, it is going to serve as a motivation and guideline for new studies.
Formulated in 1859 by the mathematician Bernhard Riemann, the Riemann hypothesis is a conjecture. She says that the Riemann’s Zeta function non-trivial zeros of all have real part . This demonstration would improve the prime numbers distribution knowledge. This conjecture constitutes one of the most important mathematics unsolved problems of the 21st century: it is one of the famous Hilbert problems proposed in 1900. In this article, a method for solving this conjecture is given. This work has been started by finding an analytical function which gives a best accurate 10<sup>-8</sup> of particular zeros sample that this number has increased gradually and finally prooving that this function is always irrational. This demonstration is important as allows Riemann’s zeta function to be a model function in the Dirichlet series theory and be at the crossroads of many other theories. Also, it is going to serve as a motivation and guideline for new studies.