
Spherical Harmonic Solution of the Robin Problem for the Helmholtz Equation in a Supershaped Shell

Spherical Harmonic Solution of the Robin Problem for the Helmholtz Equation in a Supershaped Shell
摘要 The Robin problem for the Helmholtz equation in normal-polar shells is addressed by using a suitable spherical harmonic expansion technique. Attention is in particular focused on the wide class of domains whose boundaries are defined by a generalized version of the so-called “superformula” introduced by Gielis. A dedicated numerical procedure based on the computer algebra system Mathematica? is developed in order to validate the proposed methodology. In this way, highly accurate approximations of the solution, featuring properties similar to the classical ones, are obtained. The Robin problem for the Helmholtz equation in normal-polar shells is addressed by using a suitable spherical harmonic expansion technique. Attention is in particular focused on the wide class of domains whose boundaries are defined by a generalized version of the so-called “superformula” introduced by Gielis. A dedicated numerical procedure based on the computer algebra system Mathematica? is developed in order to validate the proposed methodology. In this way, highly accurate approximations of the solution, featuring properties similar to the classical ones, are obtained.
出处 《Applied Mathematics》 2013年第1期263-270,共8页 应用数学(英文)
关键词 Robin Problem HELMHOLTZ Equation SPHERICAL HARMONIC Expansion Gielis FORMULA Supershaped SHELL Robin Problem Helmholtz Equation Spherical Harmonic Expansion Gielis Formula Supershaped Shell
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