The use of functions, expressible in terms of Lucas polynomials of the second kind, allows us to write down the solution of linear dynamical systems—both in the discrete and continuous case—avoiding the Jordan canonical form of involved matrices. This improves the computational complexity of the algorithms used in literature.
The use of functions, expressible in terms of Lucas polynomials of the second kind, allows us to write down the solution of linear dynamical systems—both in the discrete and continuous case—avoiding the Jordan canonical form of involved matrices. This improves the computational complexity of the algorithms used in literature.
Pierpaolo Natalini
Paolo E. Ricci
Pierpaolo Natalini;Paolo E. Ricci(Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica, Largo San Leonardo Murialdo, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Roma, Italia;International Telematic University UniNettuno, Roma, Italia)