This paper proposes a novel category theoretic approach to describe protein’s shape, <i>i.e.</i>, a description of their shape by a set of algebraic equations. The focus of the approach is on the relations between proteins, rather than on the proteins themselves. Knowledge of category theory is not required as mathematical notions are defined concretely. In this paper, proteins are represented as closed trajectories (<i>i.e.</i>, loops) of flows of triangles. The relations between proteins are defined using the fusion and fission of loops of triangles, where allostery occurs naturally. The shape of a protein is then described with quantities that are measurable with unity elements called “unit loops”. That is, protein’s shape is described with the loops that are obtained by the fusion of unit loops. Measurable loops are called “integral”. In the approach, the unit loops play a role similar to the role “1” plays in the set Z of integers. In particular, the author considers two categories of loops, the “integral” loops and the “rational” loops. Rational loops are then defined using algebraic equations with “integral loop” coefficients. Because of the approach, our theory has some similarities to quantum mechanics, where only observable quantities are admitted in physical theory. The author believes that this paper not only provides a new perspective on protein engineering, but also promotes further collaboration between biology and other disciplines.
This paper proposes a novel category theoretic approach to describe protein’s shape, <i>i.e.</i>, a description of their shape by a set of algebraic equations. The focus of the approach is on the relations between proteins, rather than on the proteins themselves. Knowledge of category theory is not required as mathematical notions are defined concretely. In this paper, proteins are represented as closed trajectories (<i>i.e.</i>, loops) of flows of triangles. The relations between proteins are defined using the fusion and fission of loops of triangles, where allostery occurs naturally. The shape of a protein is then described with quantities that are measurable with unity elements called “unit loops”. That is, protein’s shape is described with the loops that are obtained by the fusion of unit loops. Measurable loops are called “integral”. In the approach, the unit loops play a role similar to the role “1” plays in the set Z of integers. In particular, the author considers two categories of loops, the “integral” loops and the “rational” loops. Rational loops are then defined using algebraic equations with “integral loop” coefficients. Because of the approach, our theory has some similarities to quantum mechanics, where only observable quantities are admitted in physical theory. The author believes that this paper not only provides a new perspective on protein engineering, but also promotes further collaboration between biology and other disciplines.