The ability to evaluate the testability of digital circuits before they are actually implemented is critical for designing highly reliable systems. This feature enables designers to verify the fault detection capability of online as well as offline testable digital circuits for both permanent and transient faults, during the design stage of the circuits. This paper presents a technique for transient and permanent fault injection at the VHDL level description of both combinational and sequential digital circuits. Access to all VHDL blocks a system is straight forward using a specially designed single fault injection block. This capability of inserting transient and permanent faults should help in evaluating the testability of a digital system before it is actually implemented.
The ability to evaluate the testability of digital circuits before they are actually implemented is critical for designing highly reliable systems. This feature enables designers to verify the fault detection capability of online as well as offline testable digital circuits for both permanent and transient faults, during the design stage of the circuits. This paper presents a technique for transient and permanent fault injection at the VHDL level description of both combinational and sequential digital circuits. Access to all VHDL blocks a system is straight forward using a specially designed single fault injection block. This capability of inserting transient and permanent faults should help in evaluating the testability of a digital system before it is actually implemented.