
Distributed Air &Missile Defense with Spatial Grasp Technology 被引量:2

Distributed Air &Missile Defense with Spatial Grasp Technology
摘要 A high-level technology is revealed that can effectively convert any distributed system into a globally programmable machine capable of operating without central resources and self-recovering from indiscriminate damages. Integral mission scenarios in Distributed Scenario Language (DSL) can be injected from any point, runtime covering & grasping the whole system or its parts, setting operational infrastructures, and orienting local and global behavior in the way needed. Many operational scenarios can be simultaneously injected into this spatial machine from different points, cooperating or competing over the shared distributed knowledge as overlapping fields of solutions. Distributed DSL interpreter organization and benefits of using this technology for integrated air and missile defense are discussed along with programming examples in this and other fields. A high-level technology is revealed that can effectively convert any distributed system into a globally programmable machine capable of operating without central resources and self-recovering from indiscriminate damages. Integral mission scenarios in Distributed Scenario Language (DSL) can be injected from any point, runtime covering & grasping the whole system or its parts, setting operational infrastructures, and orienting local and global behavior in the way needed. Many operational scenarios can be simultaneously injected into this spatial machine from different points, cooperating or competing over the shared distributed knowledge as overlapping fields of solutions. Distributed DSL interpreter organization and benefits of using this technology for integrated air and missile defense are discussed along with programming examples in this and other fields.
出处 《Intelligent Control and Automation》 2012年第2期117-131,共15页 智能控制与自动化(英文)
关键词 DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS SPATIAL GRASP Technology Integral Mission Scenarios DISTRIBUTED Scenario Language Parallel NETWORKED Interpretation Air and MISSILE Defense Directed Energy SYSTEMS Cooperative Robotics Distributed Systems Spatial Grasp Technology Integral Mission Scenarios Distributed Scenario Language Parallel Networked Interpretation Air and Missile Defense Directed Energy Systems Cooperative Robotics
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