
Another Way of the Continuous Linkup of Neutron-Star-Body and Surrounding Empty-Space Metrics

摘要 The metrics of the compact objects should be the continuous function of coordinates. The metrics inside every object is set by its internal structure. The metrics in the adjacent empty space is described by the outer Schwarzschild or Kerr solution of the Einstein field equations. It appears that the linkup of both object-interior and empty-space metrics is not continuous at the physical surfaces of the objects for the common, generally (by convention) accepted set of assumptions. We suggest the new way of how to achieve the success in the linkup, which does not assume the higher value of the relativistic speed limit in the empty space governed by the object, in contrast to our previous suggestion. We also give a more detailed explanation of the existence of inner physical surface of compact objects and suggest the way of the linkup of metrics in this surface. To achieve the continuous linkup, we assume a lower value of the speed limit in the object’s interior as well as a new gauging of the outer Schwarzschild solution for the inner empty space of the object. Newly established gauging constants are calculated and the success of the linkup is shown in several examples. The new gauging implies a lower gravitational attraction (lower gravitational constant) in the inner empty space in comparison with that in the outer space, which is measured in the common, observed, gravitational interactions of material objects. The metrics of the compact objects should be the continuous function of coordinates. The metrics inside every object is set by its internal structure. The metrics in the adjacent empty space is described by the outer Schwarzschild or Kerr solution of the Einstein field equations. It appears that the linkup of both object-interior and empty-space metrics is not continuous at the physical surfaces of the objects for the common, generally (by convention) accepted set of assumptions. We suggest the new way of how to achieve the success in the linkup, which does not assume the higher value of the relativistic speed limit in the empty space governed by the object, in contrast to our previous suggestion. We also give a more detailed explanation of the existence of inner physical surface of compact objects and suggest the way of the linkup of metrics in this surface. To achieve the continuous linkup, we assume a lower value of the speed limit in the object’s interior as well as a new gauging of the outer Schwarzschild solution for the inner empty space of the object. Newly established gauging constants are calculated and the success of the linkup is shown in several examples. The new gauging implies a lower gravitational attraction (lower gravitational constant) in the inner empty space in comparison with that in the outer space, which is measured in the common, observed, gravitational interactions of material objects.
机构地区 Astronomical Institute
出处 《International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 2014年第2期399-413,共15页 天文学与天体物理学国际期刊(英文)
基金 supported,in part,by the VEGA―the Slovak Grant Agency for Science,grant No.2/0031/14 by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No.APVV-0158-11.
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