The lack of Birkhoff theorem in finite-range gravitation reveals nonzero acceleration of the test body inside the massive spherical shell, as well as breakdown of screening inside the charged conductor gives rise to acceleration of the test charge. An application of this effect to the motion of galaxies in Local Group allows to constraint quintessence parameter in some massive gravitational theories.
The lack of Birkhoff theorem in finite-range gravitation reveals nonzero acceleration of the test body inside the massive spherical shell, as well as breakdown of screening inside the charged conductor gives rise to acceleration of the test charge. An application of this effect to the motion of galaxies in Local Group allows to constraint quintessence parameter in some massive gravitational theories.
Yuri V. Chugreev
Konstantin A. Modestov
Yuri V. Chugreev;Konstantin A. Modestov(Bogoliubov Institute for Theoretical Problems of Microphysics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;Physics Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia;National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russia)