
Electrical Resistivity Survey for Predicting Aquifer at Onicha-Ugbo, Delta State, Nigeria 被引量:1

Electrical Resistivity Survey for Predicting Aquifer at Onicha-Ugbo, Delta State, Nigeria
摘要 A geoelectric survey employing the vertical electrical sounding (VES) was carried out in parts of Onicha-Ugbo in Aniocha North Local Government Area of Delta State using Abem Terrameter SAS 300C together with SAS 2000 booster. The study was carried out with the aim of delineating the subsurface geologic sequence present in the study area, determining their geoelectrical parameters (layer thicknesses and resistivities), and delineating the structural and geomorphological features present beneath the subsurface. The results of the survey suggest that the subsurface comprises of 5 - ?6 layers and that clay and silt content varies vertically and horizontally, thus influencing the apparent resistivity of the area. The geoelectric section developed shows that the subsurface units are dominantly sandy underlying loamy sandy topsoil which is relatively dry. The depth to water table from the sites is above 150 m and suggests that groundwater exploration is encouraging. A geoelectric survey employing the vertical electrical sounding (VES) was carried out in parts of Onicha-Ugbo in Aniocha North Local Government Area of Delta State using Abem Terrameter SAS 300C together with SAS 2000 booster. The study was carried out with the aim of delineating the subsurface geologic sequence present in the study area, determining their geoelectrical parameters (layer thicknesses and resistivities), and delineating the structural and geomorphological features present beneath the subsurface. The results of the survey suggest that the subsurface comprises of 5 - ?6 layers and that clay and silt content varies vertically and horizontally, thus influencing the apparent resistivity of the area. The geoelectric section developed shows that the subsurface units are dominantly sandy underlying loamy sandy topsoil which is relatively dry. The depth to water table from the sites is above 150 m and suggests that groundwater exploration is encouraging.
出处 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2014年第7期520-527,共8页 应用数学与应用物理(英文)
关键词 GEOELECTRIC AQUIFER RESISTIVITY Vertical Electrical SOUNDING (VES) Geoelectric Aquifer Resistivity Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES)
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