
Random Response of a Strongly Nonlinear Oscillator with Internal and External Excitations

Random Response of a Strongly Nonlinear Oscillator with Internal and External Excitations
摘要 A second order oscillator with nonlinear restoring force and nonlinear damping is considered: it is subject to both external and internal (parametric) excitations of Gaussian white noise type. The nonlinearities are chosen in such a way that the associated Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation is solvable in the steady state. Different choices of some system parameters give rise to different and interesting shapes of the joint probability density function of the response, which in some cases appears to be multimodal. The problem of the determination of the power spectral density of the response is also addressed by using the true statistical linearization method. A second order oscillator with nonlinear restoring force and nonlinear damping is considered: it is subject to both external and internal (parametric) excitations of Gaussian white noise type. The nonlinearities are chosen in such a way that the associated Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation is solvable in the steady state. Different choices of some system parameters give rise to different and interesting shapes of the joint probability density function of the response, which in some cases appears to be multimodal. The problem of the determination of the power spectral density of the response is also addressed by using the true statistical linearization method.
出处 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2019年第2期331-342,共12页 应用数学与应用物理(英文)
关键词 Nonlinear OSCILLATOR Random Dynamics GAUSSIAN WHITE Noise Joint PROBABILITY DENSITY Function Power Spectral DENSITY Nonlinear Oscillator Random Dynamics Gaussian White Noise Joint Probability Density Function Power Spectral Density
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