
Nonstationary Stimulated Raman Scattering by Polaritons in Cubic Crystals

Nonstationary Stimulated Raman Scattering by Polaritons in Cubic Crystals
摘要 The purpose of this article is to consider two aspects of the nonstationary stimulated Raman scattering by polaritons in cubic crystals. The first feature is related to the pump field, which, by deforming the permittivity of the medium, changes its symmetry. As a result, for example, the cubic crystal becomes anisotropic. The second one results from the possibility of exciting anomalous longitudinal waves at the frequency of the mechanical phonons which is the fundamental difference between scattering by dipole-active (polar) phonons and that of by dipole-inactive (nonpolar) ones. When the phonon frequency is approached, the amplitude of the transverse polariton wave decreases due to increased absorption and the wave mismatch. The polariton wave becomes practically longitudinal. Such a wave is maintained by the pump field and exists only in a pumped medium. The system of four shortened nonstationary equations (two for the Stokes waves with perpendicular polarizations and two for both transverse and longitudinal polariton waves) is obtained. The analysis is carried out for a given stationary pump field which is assumed to be a linearly polarized plane electromagnetic wave. Principal attention was paid to the calculation and analysis of the gain factor which defines the intensities of both stimulated (SRS) and spontaneous Raman scattering. The expressions for two proper gain factors gμ are obtained for Stokes waves in nonstationary case. It was shown that the pumped cubic crystal becomes anisotropic. It is also shown that the values of intensities calculated by using the expression for gμ are consistent with the experimental results for spectra of ZnS. The purpose of this article is to consider two aspects of the nonstationary stimulated Raman scattering by polaritons in cubic crystals. The first feature is related to the pump field, which, by deforming the permittivity of the medium, changes its symmetry. As a result, for example, the cubic crystal becomes anisotropic. The second one results from the possibility of exciting anomalous longitudinal waves at the frequency of the mechanical phonons which is the fundamental difference between scattering by dipole-active (polar) phonons and that of by dipole-inactive (nonpolar) ones. When the phonon frequency is approached, the amplitude of the transverse polariton wave decreases due to increased absorption and the wave mismatch. The polariton wave becomes practically longitudinal. Such a wave is maintained by the pump field and exists only in a pumped medium. The system of four shortened nonstationary equations (two for the Stokes waves with perpendicular polarizations and two for both transverse and longitudinal polariton waves) is obtained. The analysis is carried out for a given stationary pump field which is assumed to be a linearly polarized plane electromagnetic wave. Principal attention was paid to the calculation and analysis of the gain factor which defines the intensities of both stimulated (SRS) and spontaneous Raman scattering. The expressions for two proper gain factors gμ are obtained for Stokes waves in nonstationary case. It was shown that the pumped cubic crystal becomes anisotropic. It is also shown that the values of intensities calculated by using the expression for gμ are consistent with the experimental results for spectra of ZnS.
出处 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2019年第9期2122-2129,共8页 应用数学与应用物理(英文)
关键词 NONSTATIONARY Stimulated RAMAN SCATTERING POLARITONS PHONONS Nonstationary Stimulated Raman Scattering Polaritons Phonons
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