In this work, new cross section formulae for (n, p) and (n, d) reactions of He-3 have been investigated as a function of incident neutron energy. The new Empirical formulae were produced by using the least squares method to the experimental cross sections data, which were taken from Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data EXFOR Database Version of 2021. Several functions were examined to choose the best one that fits the data. Statistical hypothesis testing was used to insure how well the suggested equations fit the set of data. Two statistical indicators were used for each case for goodness-of-fit. Very high compatibility was found between the empirical values and the experimental data for both reactions.
In this work, new cross section formulae for (n, p) and (n, d) reactions of He-3 have been investigated as a function of incident neutron energy. The new Empirical formulae were produced by using the least squares method to the experimental cross sections data, which were taken from Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data EXFOR Database Version of 2021. Several functions were examined to choose the best one that fits the data. Statistical hypothesis testing was used to insure how well the suggested equations fit the set of data. Two statistical indicators were used for each case for goodness-of-fit. Very high compatibility was found between the empirical values and the experimental data for both reactions.