Thermal adsorption cooling systems have gained significant attention due to their potential for energy savings and eco-environmental impact. An analytic investigation of the heat transfer inside an adsorption chiller with various bed silica gel-water pairs is presented. A comprehensive model has been designed to accurately predict the correlation between the overall performance of the proposed chiller system and the functional and structural condition of the building. This model takes into account various factors such as temperature, humidity, and air quality to provide a detailed analysis of the system’s efficiency. At least 20 collectors consisting of a 34.4 m area (each) with a full-cycle time of 480 seconds are essential to improper run conditions. It is necessary to adjust the optimum cycle time for optimal performance. During the investigation, the base condition shows that the cooling capacity is 14 kw, 0.6 COPcycle, and 0.35 COPsolar at noon. Also, conduct a thorough investigation into the chiller’s performance under varying cooling water supply temperatures and various chilled water flow rates.
Thermal adsorption cooling systems have gained significant attention due to their potential for energy savings and eco-environmental impact. An analytic investigation of the heat transfer inside an adsorption chiller with various bed silica gel-water pairs is presented. A comprehensive model has been designed to accurately predict the correlation between the overall performance of the proposed chiller system and the functional and structural condition of the building. This model takes into account various factors such as temperature, humidity, and air quality to provide a detailed analysis of the system’s efficiency. At least 20 collectors consisting of a 34.4 m area (each) with a full-cycle time of 480 seconds are essential to improper run conditions. It is necessary to adjust the optimum cycle time for optimal performance. During the investigation, the base condition shows that the cooling capacity is 14 kw, 0.6 COPcycle, and 0.35 COPsolar at noon. Also, conduct a thorough investigation into the chiller’s performance under varying cooling water supply temperatures and various chilled water flow rates.
Nusrat Jahan
M. Abdul Hakim Khan
K. M. Ariful Kabir
Nusrat Jahan;M. Abdul Hakim Khan;K. M. Ariful Kabir(Department of Science and Humanity, Bangladesh Army International University of Science and Technology, Comilla, Bangladesh;Department of Mathematics, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh)