
Superheterodyne Amplification for Increase the Working Frequency

Superheterodyne Amplification for Increase the Working Frequency
摘要 The amplification of microwaves in n-GaAs films has been widely studied. On the other hand, using nonlinear parametric effects in microwave, millimeter, and THz ranges has a large potential. In this paper the resonant nonlinear phenomena are investigated in active n-GaAs semiconductor and in films on its base. The phenomena are the nonlinear interactions of space charge waves, including the frequency multiplication and mixing, and the three-wave interaction between two THz electromagnetic waves and a single space charge wave. This three-wave interaction results in the superheterodyne amplification of THz waves. The electron velocity in GaAs is the nonlinear function of an external electric field. If the bias electric field is more E0>Ecrit ≈3KV/cm , it is possible to obtain a negative differential mobility (NDM and space charge waves). The space charge waves have phase velocity of electrons equal to v0=v(E0), E0=V0/Lz , where V0 is the voltage, producing the bias electric field E0?in GaAs film. The superheterodyne amplification and the multiplication of microwaves are very promising for building active sensors in telecommunications system, radiometers, and radio telescopes. The superheterodyne mechanism has an advantage related to decreasing noise because of increasing of frequency in the process of amplification. It is used in the process of amplification of longitudinal space charge waves that in turn causes the transfer of energy from longitudinal wave into transverse one with increasing frequency. This is realized due to parametric coupling of two transverse waves and a single space charge wave in GaAs. The amplification of microwaves in n-GaAs films has been widely studied. On the other hand, using nonlinear parametric effects in microwave, millimeter, and THz ranges has a large potential. In this paper the resonant nonlinear phenomena are investigated in active n-GaAs semiconductor and in films on its base. The phenomena are the nonlinear interactions of space charge waves, including the frequency multiplication and mixing, and the three-wave interaction between two THz electromagnetic waves and a single space charge wave. This three-wave interaction results in the superheterodyne amplification of THz waves. The electron velocity in GaAs is the nonlinear function of an external electric field. If the bias electric field is more E0>Ecrit ≈3KV/cm , it is possible to obtain a negative differential mobility (NDM and space charge waves). The space charge waves have phase velocity of electrons equal to v0=v(E0), E0=V0/Lz , where V0 is the voltage, producing the bias electric field E0?in GaAs film. The superheterodyne amplification and the multiplication of microwaves are very promising for building active sensors in telecommunications system, radiometers, and radio telescopes. The superheterodyne mechanism has an advantage related to decreasing noise because of increasing of frequency in the process of amplification. It is used in the process of amplification of longitudinal space charge waves that in turn causes the transfer of energy from longitudinal wave into transverse one with increasing frequency. This is realized due to parametric coupling of two transverse waves and a single space charge wave in GaAs.
出处 《Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications》 2017年第3期43-52,共10页 电磁分析与应用期刊(英文)
关键词 Space CHARGE WAVES SUPERHETERODYNE AMPLIFICATION Space Charge Waves Superheterodyne Amplification
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