The paper assesses how multiple-static scattering mitigates the effect of late-time onset on the robustness of the extracted resonance modes in the context of radar target classification. The assessment exploits the mode distribution vs onset shift to verify the sensitivity of the mode’s extraction to the selected onset, especially higher-order, to onset. However, within some bistatic directions, the modes have enhanced energies with lesser specular energy, making the modes estimate less sensitive to onset shifts. Also, the mode distribution per bistatic and polarization configuration has demonstrated different onset windows of accurate and consistent mode extraction. Notably, the distribution of the mode energy distribution reveals that classification performance degrades with poorly selected onset.
The paper assesses how multiple-static scattering mitigates the effect of late-time onset on the robustness of the extracted resonance modes in the context of radar target classification. The assessment exploits the mode distribution vs onset shift to verify the sensitivity of the mode’s extraction to the selected onset, especially higher-order, to onset. However, within some bistatic directions, the modes have enhanced energies with lesser specular energy, making the modes estimate less sensitive to onset shifts. Also, the mode distribution per bistatic and polarization configuration has demonstrated different onset windows of accurate and consistent mode extraction. Notably, the distribution of the mode energy distribution reveals that classification performance degrades with poorly selected onset.