
Supplying Conditions for Having up to 1000 Degrees of Freedom in the Onset of Inflation, Instead of 2 to 3 Degrees of Freedom, Today, in Space-Time

Supplying Conditions for Having up to 1000 Degrees of Freedom in the Onset of Inflation, Instead of 2 to 3 Degrees of Freedom, Today, in Space-Time
摘要 The following document attempts to answer the role additional degrees of freedom have as to initial inflationary cosmology, i.e. the idea is to cut down on the number of independent variables to get as simple an emergent space time structure of entropy and its generation as possible. One parameter being initial degrees of freedom, the second the minimum allowed grid size in space time, and the final parameter being emergent space time temperature. In order to initiate this inquiry, a comparison is made to two representations of a scale evolutionary Friedman equation, with one of the equations based upon LQG, and another involving an initial Hubble expansion parameter with initial temperature used as an input into T4 times N(T). Initial assumptions as to the number of degrees of freedom have for a maximum value of N(T) ~ 103. Making that upper end approximation for the value of permissible degrees of freedom is dependent upon a minimum grid size length as of about centimeters. Should the minimum uncertainty grid size for space time be higher than centimeters, then top value degrees of freedom of phase space as given by a value N(T) ~ 103 drops. In addition, the issue of bits, i.e. information is shown to not only have temperature dependence, but to be affected by minimum “grid size” as well. The following document attempts to answer the role additional degrees of freedom have as to initial inflationary cosmology, i.e. the idea is to cut down on the number of independent variables to get as simple an emergent space time structure of entropy and its generation as possible. One parameter being initial degrees of freedom, the second the minimum allowed grid size in space time, and the final parameter being emergent space time temperature. In order to initiate this inquiry, a comparison is made to two representations of a scale evolutionary Friedman equation, with one of the equations based upon LQG, and another involving an initial Hubble expansion parameter with initial temperature used as an input into T4 times N(T). Initial assumptions as to the number of degrees of freedom have for a maximum value of N(T) ~ 103. Making that upper end approximation for the value of permissible degrees of freedom is dependent upon a minimum grid size length as of about centimeters. Should the minimum uncertainty grid size for space time be higher than centimeters, then top value degrees of freedom of phase space as given by a value N(T) ~ 103 drops. In addition, the issue of bits, i.e. information is shown to not only have temperature dependence, but to be affected by minimum “grid size” as well.
机构地区 Physics Department
出处 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2018年第1期143-151,共9页 高能物理(英文)
关键词 ENTROPY Emergent Space Time Normalized Energy DENSITY Entropy Emergent Space Time Normalized Energy Density
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