Using a root finder procedure to obtain we use an inflaton value due to use of a scale factor if we furthermore use .?From use of the inflaton, we initiate a procedure for a minimum scale factor, which would entail the , for a sufficiently well placed frequency ω. If the Non Linear Electrodynamics procedure of Camara et al. of General relativity was used, plus the modified Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, of Beckwith, and others, i.e . we come due to a sufficiently high frequency a case for which implies a violation of the Penrose singularity theorem, i.e . this is in lieu of ?. If this is not true, i.e. that the initial , then we will likely avoid for reasons brought up in this manuscript.
Using a root finder procedure to obtain we use an inflaton value due to use of a scale factor if we furthermore use .?From use of the inflaton, we initiate a procedure for a minimum scale factor, which would entail the , for a sufficiently well placed frequency ω. If the Non Linear Electrodynamics procedure of Camara et al. of General relativity was used, plus the modified Heisenberg Uncertainty principle, of Beckwith, and others, i.e . we come due to a sufficiently high frequency a case for which implies a violation of the Penrose singularity theorem, i.e . this is in lieu of ?. If this is not true, i.e. that the initial , then we will likely avoid for reasons brought up in this manuscript.