In this short note we present a possible connection between the proton radius and the proton mass using the fine structure constant. The Hagedorn temperature is related to the energy levels assumed to be required to free the quarks from the proton, where hadronic matter is unstable. We also speculate that there could be a connection between the Hagedorn temperature and the Planck temperature through the fine structure constant. Regarding whether or not there is something to this (or if it is purely a coincidence), we will leave to others and future research to explore. However, we think these possible relationships are worth further investigation.
In this short note we present a possible connection between the proton radius and the proton mass using the fine structure constant. The Hagedorn temperature is related to the energy levels assumed to be required to free the quarks from the proton, where hadronic matter is unstable. We also speculate that there could be a connection between the Hagedorn temperature and the Planck temperature through the fine structure constant. Regarding whether or not there is something to this (or if it is purely a coincidence), we will leave to others and future research to explore. However, we think these possible relationships are worth further investigation.