Modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) is a hypothesized modification of Newton’s law of universal gravitation to account for the flat rotation curves in the outer regions of galaxies, thereby eliminating the need for dark matter. Although a highly successful model, it is not a self-contained physical theory since it is based entirely on observations. It is proposed in this paper that noncommutative geometry, an offshoot of string theory, can account for the flat rotation curves and thereby provide an explanation for MOND. This paper extends an earlier heuristic argument by the author.
Modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) is a hypothesized modification of Newton’s law of universal gravitation to account for the flat rotation curves in the outer regions of galaxies, thereby eliminating the need for dark matter. Although a highly successful model, it is not a self-contained physical theory since it is based entirely on observations. It is proposed in this paper that noncommutative geometry, an offshoot of string theory, can account for the flat rotation curves and thereby provide an explanation for MOND. This paper extends an earlier heuristic argument by the author.
Peter K. F. Kuhfittig
Peter K. F. Kuhfittig(Department of Mathematics, Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, USA)