
Spin Polarization of the Uniform Three-Dimensional Electron Gas

Spin Polarization of the Uniform Three-Dimensional Electron Gas
摘要 A simple-and-analytic form for total energy (or ground-state energy) in the uniform three-dimensional electron gas, expressed as a function of any Wigner-Seitz radius rs and relative spin polarization ζ is obtained with a very good accuracy of 0.036% from the Stoner model and our interpolation between high-and-low density limits with use of a two-point approach for the correlation energy and spin stiffness at rs = 1 and 70. This suggests a satisfactory desciption of some physical properties such as: paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition and thermodynamic-and-optical phenomena. A simple-and-analytic form for total energy (or ground-state energy) in the uniform three-dimensional electron gas, expressed as a function of any Wigner-Seitz radius rs and relative spin polarization ζ is obtained with a very good accuracy of 0.036% from the Stoner model and our interpolation between high-and-low density limits with use of a two-point approach for the correlation energy and spin stiffness at rs = 1 and 70. This suggests a satisfactory desciption of some physical properties such as: paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition and thermodynamic-and-optical phenomena.
作者 H. Van Cong
机构地区 不详
出处 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2011年第9期1017-1023,共7页 现代物理(英文)
关键词 Electron Gas Correlation ENERGY SPIN Stiffness Total ENERGY SPIN Susceptibility Paramagnetic-and-Ferromagnetic Phase TRANSITIONS WIGNER States Electron Gas Correlation Energy Spin Stiffness Total Energy Spin Susceptibility Paramagnetic-and-Ferromagnetic Phase Transitions Wigner States
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