This document is due to reviewing an article by Maydanyuk and Olkhovsky, of a Nova Science conpendium as of “The big bang, theory assumptions and Problems”, as of 2012, which uses the Wheeler De Witt equation as an evolution equation assuming a closed universe. Having the value of k, not as the closed universe, but nearly zero of a nearly flat universe, which leads to serious problems of interpretation of what initial conditions are. These problems of interpretations of initial conditions tie in with difficulties in using QM as an initial driver of inflation. And argue in favor of using a different procedure as far as forming a wave function of the universe initially. The author wishes to thank Abhay Ashtekar for his well thought out criticism but asserts that limitations in space-time geometry largely due to when is formed from semi classical reasoning, i.e. Maxwell’s equation involving a close boundary value regime between Octonionic geometry and flat space non Octonionic geometry is a datum which Abhay Ashekhar may wish to consider in his quantum bounce model and in loop quantum gravity in the future.
This document is due to reviewing an article by Maydanyuk and Olkhovsky, of a Nova Science conpendium as of “The big bang, theory assumptions and Problems”, as of 2012, which uses the Wheeler De Witt equation as an evolution equation assuming a closed universe. Having the value of k, not as the closed universe, but nearly zero of a nearly flat universe, which leads to serious problems of interpretation of what initial conditions are. These problems of interpretations of initial conditions tie in with difficulties in using QM as an initial driver of inflation. And argue in favor of using a different procedure as far as forming a wave function of the universe initially. The author wishes to thank Abhay Ashtekar for his well thought out criticism but asserts that limitations in space-time geometry largely due to when is formed from semi classical reasoning, i.e. Maxwell’s equation involving a close boundary value regime between Octonionic geometry and flat space non Octonionic geometry is a datum which Abhay Ashekhar may wish to consider in his quantum bounce model and in loop quantum gravity in the future.